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Remix/Cover - Dragoon Of Fire Remix
Mikie's Profile Picture Submitted by: Mikie
Submitted on: 2/25/2012
     Song(s) Included:
  1. Dart's Theme (The Legend of Dragoon)

Description/Notes from the Artist:

"Its the ACTUAL game track remixed how I like it with MY specific drum patterns and chopped to my liking. (If that isn't understandable, basically I took the real track from the game, chopped it up, pasted it together and added a beat. Listen to it before ya knock it, please. :p" -Mikie

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Posted by: Mikie on 2/26/2012 at 1:11 AM PST
Nacho comment:
I think that this was a really cool idea done very well. I always thought it was awesome whenever an artist would take a song chop it up and mix it around. Thanks for the share!

Much appreciated. :] I'll have more soon.
Posted by: Nacho on 2/25/2012 at 8:51 PM PST

I think that this was a really cool idea done very well. I always thought it was awesome whenever an artist would take a song chop it up and mix it around. Thanks for the share!

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